Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Demoss
Scope: acoustical ceilings and wall panels, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, FRP, furr downs, insulation, interior walls and ceilings, wood blocking
Contractor: Byrne
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, platforms, soffits, trusses
Contractor: Linbeck
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, FRP, furr downs, furred walls, soffits, interior partitions, trusses, wood blocking
Contractor: FJW
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Andres
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Pete Durant
Scope: acoustical ceilings, beads & trim, demising walls, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, FRP, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, Nichiha, wood blocking
Contractor: North Rock Construction
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, FRP, insulation, interior walls and ceilings, wood blocking
Contractor: Z Constructors
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Lee Lewis
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Reeder
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Muckleroy & Falls
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Linbeck
CONTRACTORs we've worked with
Pete Durant & Associates
Binks Construction
Bob Moore Construction
Burns & McDonnell
Clark Construction
Fort Construction
Hoar Construction
Lee Lewis Construction
Muckleroy & Falls
Thomas S. Byrne
Waldrop Construction
UEB Builders
Scope: acoustical ceilings, doors & frames, drywall, exterior walls, furr downs, interior walls and ceilings, joists, load bearing walls, wood blocking
Contractor: Clark Construction